# Menus

The Menus section manages the structure and configuration of the menus in the back office. It allows administrators to organize, add, and configure menus that provide access to different system features.


# Add New Menu

Menus Administrators can create new menus by specifying:

  • Name: The name displayed in the back-office navigation bar. Examples include Dashboard, Catalog, and Orders.

  • Class: Refers to the controller class associated with the menu item. Defines the specific functionality or page that the menu links to.Example: Admin Dashboard, Admin Catalog.

  • Module: Specifies the associated module (if any) for the menu.Modules extend system functionality, and menu items tied to modules may provide access to module specific features. For example, the Hotel Reservation System menu is tied to the hotelreservation system module.

  • Status: Indicates whether the menu item is enabled or disabled in the navigation bar. Yes: The menu is active and visible in the back-office navigation. No: The menu is inactive and hidden from the navigation

  • Parent: Defines the hierarchical structure of menus. Parent menus act as containers for related submenus. Example:Parent: "Home", Child (submenu): "Dashboard"

# Purpose

The Menus section is essential for:

  • Organizing the back-office navigation for better usability.
  • Customizing the menu structure to suit administrative needs.
  • Managing module-based menus to enable or disable additional functionalities.
  • Assigning menu positions for logical grouping and ease of access.

By configuring menus appropriately, administrators can ensure that the back office is intuitive and tailored to specific business workflows.