# Webservice

The Webservice sub-tab allows you to manage and configure the Webservice API for your QloApps.

webservice page

# Add new Webservice

Click the "Add new webservice" button to create a new API key.

add webservice

# Key:

This field will automatically generate a unique key for your Webservice.

# Key Description:

Enter a descriptive name for this Webservice key. This will help you identify and organize different keys later on.

# Status:

Select YES to enable the Webservice key.

# Permissions

Select all the permissions you want to provide to the API.

# Saving the Key

After filling in the necessary information, click the "Save" button.

3. Configuration

  • Enable QloApps's Webservice:
    • Description: This option enables or disables the Webservice API for your QloApps installation.
    • Note: Before enabling the Webservice, ensure that:
      • URL rewriting is available on your server.
      • The server supports the following HTTP methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and HEAD.
  • Enable CGI mode for PHP:
    • Description: This option enables CGI mode for PHP.
    • Options: YES, NO.
    • Note: Before enabling CGI mode, ensure that it is not configured as an Apache module on your server.

4. Save

  • Click the "Save" button at the bottom of the page to save any changes made to the Webservice configuration.