# Translations

Through this page, you can manage the language of the text displayed to guests as well as the text in the back office.

This feature helps you provide a more convenient, personalized, and customizable experience for users. You can modify the wording and tailor the text to suit your needs and better align with your guest's preferences.

# KPI metrics

This section displays 3 key performance indicators (KPIs) to help you monitor and manage translations effectively:

  • Enabled Languages: Shows the total number of active languages available on your website.
  • Front Office Translations: Indicates the percentage of translated text visible to guests in the front office.
  • Back Office Translations: Tracks the percentage of translated text in the admin panel.


# Modify Translations

Here you can modify translations for every line of text inside QloApps.

To modify the translations, you have to first fill the following sections:


  • Type of translations: select the type from the dropdown menu.Translations are divided into 7 sections.

    • Front Office Translations: The strings that are visible to you and your website visitors on your website.
    • Back office translations: The strings that are visible to you and your team from your website's back office panel.
    • Error Message Translations: The strings that display error messages to admin.
    • Field Name Translations: The strings that are visible as field names of various field options in QloApps.
    • Installed module translations: The strings present in a module. Only installed modules will be listed.
    • PDF Translations: The strings are visible in pdf documents of QloApps.
    • Email translations: The strings used in the default email templates.
  • Select your theme: Select the default theme of Hotel-reservation-system under this option.

  • Select your language: Select the language in which you want the translation to be done.

After adding details in all the above three sections, click on modify.

Once you will click on modify, a new page will appear where you can select the category of translations that you want to modify.

# Add/ Update a Language


To add or update a language, select the language you want from the list and click on the "Add or update a language" button.

# Import a language pack manually

TO add a new languauge, you can use this option of "import a language pack manually".


To import a new language pack, add the ZIP file of the language and click on "import". The language will be added sucessfully.

# Export a language


To export a language pack, select the language in which you want to export translations.

Next, click on Export and then your language pack will be exported sucessfully.

# Copy


You can copy the content of one language to another. This is especially useful when you want to replace a theme's language with the same language from another theme.

Select the source language and theme, then the destination language and theme, click on the "Copy" button.