# Customers
The customer section allows hoteliers to add new customers or edit details of existing ones, ensuring accurate and up-to-date records.
Additionally, it includes some KPIs to monitor customer metrics and drive better decision-making.
# Addresses
This column displays the customer's addresses associated with their booking.
It includes essential details such as name, address line, city, country, and postal code, providing a comprehensive view of the guest's contact and location information.
# Groups
Here, all the groups will be displayed along with their details such as ID, group name, discounts, and no. of members in that group.
QloApps has three default customer groups:
- Visitor - All persons without a customer account or customers that are not logged in.
- Guest - All persons who placed an order through Guest Checkout. (Without creating the account)
- Customer - All persons who created an account on this site.
# Booking Carts
On this page, the admin can monitor customers' booking carts in real-time, along with the displayed KPI metrics.
# Customer Service
The customer service page centralizes all customer requests in one place.
It displays all queries raised by customers, whether they are related to bookings or any technical issues. This helps you track which discussion threads need a response, eliminating the need to check email recipients to see if someone has already replied.
# Contacts
FFrom this section,the admin can improve communication with customers by creating multiple contact accounts. For example: customer service, admin, hotel manager, etc.
This feature will allow your customers to directly contact the right person according to their needs.
# Titles
The Titles section in QloApps allows you to manage and customize the titles used for addressing customers.
This feature enables you to create, edit, or delete titles such as Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., and others.
By configuring this section, you can ensure a personalized experience for your customers throughout the booking process and communication.