# Contacts

From this section,the admin can improve communication with customers by creating multiple contact accounts. For example: customer service, admin, hotel manager, etc.

This feature will allow your customers to directly contact the right person according to their needs.


# Add a new contact

To add a new contact, click on add a new contact button. Here, the admin will have to enter the following details:

Title: Enter contact title.

Email Address: Email where the customer messages will be received

Save messages: If enabled, all the messages will be saved in the "Customer Service Page" under the "Customers menu".

Description: Enter the description of the contact.

Now Click on the Save button to add the contact

Add new contact!

# Edit contact

Click on the edit button of the contact. Here, the admin change the following details:

  • Title

  • Email Address

  • Save messages

  • Description

Edit contact details!